Wednesday, 25 January 2012

25 January, 2012 - A Big Day for Us!

Yes, Our Blog Banner has been modified...

Yes, Everything went as planned...

Yes, We are now Man and Wife...

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The Tiny Silver Lining!

First of all, let me apologize for not blogging regularly. Things are pretty crazy here at our end with the registration coming up - we have zeroed in on the 25th of this month as the date. Couple of mutual friends are coming down on the 24th to be the witnesses. Am I tensed? Well, the butterflies in my stomach have laid eggs, hatched, and have fully grown into more butterflies... Why am I tensed? Not cos' we are taking the next step. But cos' I am scared that something will go wrong and it will not happen. That is the only thing on my mind, right now! And all I can do is pray at regular intervals...

Monday, 9 January 2012

Stigma and trauma of live-in relationship

She: So you are living with your boy friend? 

Me: Yeah, since past four months

She: So its like.. you guys are like… husband and wife?

Me: Yes, kinda.. except that we are not legally married….yet.

She: Oh.. but other things.. you know what I mean.. like husband and wife?

Me: (stabs myself )

Sunday, 1 January 2012

How Did You Welcome 2012?

How did we Welcome 2012?

Jane was actually working on New Year Eve! Can you believe it? She had office till 01:30PM. She had already made it clear that we are to keep this New Year Eve simple! So, I picked her up from work and had lunch at 'Beijing Bites'! Then we left to a friend place at Vivek Nagar.

Jane spent the rest of the evening crawling on the floor with their 7-month-old boy as we watched them play. We had a few drinks, then dinner. And left at around 10:30PM.

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